A Very Long Engagement (2004) – What if the amnesia’s permanent? Is it a loss for me or for him?

A Very Long Engagement Poster

Last night, I had the opportunity to watch this film in WarnerTV. Despite the film being around 8 years old already, this is the first time I actually learned of its story.


But anyway, enough of that. I’m not a huge fan of French films – I don’t know why, maybe I find them unusual, or maybe I just did not have any chance to watch one properly. This film is definitely French, and I find the film extremely (this might be an exaggeration) witty and creative. It’s a sad love story (hence, the name), but there are just some scenes were you tend to smile because of the witty dialogues (I always look forward to the postman scenes – MY GRAVEL!).


I won’t do a review of the film, nor talk about it. Go watch it for yourself if you’re up to it. Just a warning, though, there are some gory stuffs (especially in the first few scenes) so if you’re sort of okay with those kind of scenes, then be my guest and watch it (no sarcasm here). There were a lot of moments when I would just find myself gasping over some scenes and some revelation of a secret, but I never expected that I would be tearing up. Mathilde just did so much in finding her lover, and even though she constantly relies on signs and on fate, she’s pretty much admirable. Her left leg’s weak due to polio but she’s more than willing to travel all around France and dig some dirt on people just to get some information to where her fiance is. She finally found him – with amnesia.


It’s a heartbreaking scene seeing your loved one, and just treating you like you just met for the first time, and you’re all just cordial and all. It sucks. While watching how Mathilde saw her fiance (I keep forgetting how to spell his name) doing something on boxes, I cannot help but think “What would I do if my fiance has amnesia?” until now, I cannot think of how I’ll act – I’ll be extremely grateful if his personality’s still the same, because I can just win him over slowly – but what if his entire personality changes? What would I do? Would I just leave him and just hope that he gets better? What if the amnesia’s permanent? Is it a loss for me or for him? Would I actually hold on?

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